
Monday, July 11, 2011

Take Action

As I prepare to write today's stress reduction technique I realize the wide-range of topics that fuel stress  — and reduction of stress.  And how many are self-controlled.: our own communication (or lack of communication) to others, negative self-talk, procrastination, not listening, thinking, or doing, perfectionism. Admittedly an exaggeration, I'm suddenly looking at life as one big self-creation of stress, followed by one bigger effort to reduce stress, which of course makes me very uptight, so now I have to cool down before I write the rest of this post.

Peggy Klaus's article, "Don't Fret. Just Ask for What You Need," in the Business Section of the NYTimes, July 10th, 2011was the impetus for my thinking. Here's the link: ttp://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/10/jobs/10pre.html The vilian in the story isn't just the difficult boss, but women's fears and lack of confidence, shouted by their inner voice, communicated to others by the tentativeness of their communication.

The article sent me to read more about approach and avoidance coping, which notes clearly that approach-related coping methods are generally more successful than avoidant ones; exactly what Klaus's article points out in different words and examples. So asking is better than fretting, telling is better than denying, problem-solving thinking is better than procrastination, strategic and planned allocation of attention is better than day-dreaming and distraction.

Short-take for Monday stress reduction technique. Making and carrying out a plan of action for reduction of stress often works best. Even if your plan and action don't produce the desired result, you've generated new information to use for new planning and new action.
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