
About Judith C. Tingley Ph.D.

Judith C. Tingley Ph.D. is a psychologist and author, living in the state of Washington after 40 years in Phoenix Arizona. A graduate of the Universities of Michigan, Washington and Arizona State, she’s currently working on a new book, Handbook #1 for Intelligent Women: Break the Negative Self-Talk Habit.

She’s the author of four previous books: Genderflex—Men and Women Speaking Each Others Language at Work; Say What You Mean Get What You Want: A Business Person’s Guide to Direct Communication; GenderSell—How to Sell to the Opposite Sex and The Power of Indirect Influence.

In a career that includes 30 years as a therapist, plus experience as a professional speaker and trainer, an executive coach, and a college professor, Judy has interacted in many different ways with thousands of diverse people. She has always been particularly interested in gender similarities and differences, communication and thinking patterns of people in our always-changing culture.

Judy’s other major interest is the GREEN movement. Since Seattle is ranked as #8 in Popular Science’s ranking of the 50 greenest cities, she’s delighted to be in the right place at the right time. She’s presently in a leadership position working to decrease the carbon footprint of the church she attends, annoying lots of people who don’t believe there’s global warming.

Judy has always been a person with strong opinions, clearly differentiating beliefs and thoughts, from facts and research findings: a skeptical psychologist in certain ways. She enjoys intelligent discussions on controversial topics of all kinds. Although her friends accuse her, in a friendly manner of course, of always wanting to be right, she admits the strong desire, while insisting that she’s always working to decrease the strong tendency.
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