
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Adios y Buenas Dias Amigas Intelligente (Just Wanted to Get Your Atttention!)

Hi Friends of Intelligentwomenonly.com

I've moved my web site and blog, and you arrive there via the usual http://intelligentwomenonly.com It looks a little different, and zippier I think, but not a whole lot. I have short hair and have added brain fitness to my list of topics. Lots of new stuff coming up although I'm not ready for a webinar I'm sorry to say. But I'm going to webex.com to see if I can figure it all out. See you soon at the new site with the same good stuff about negative self-talk, brain fitness, gender differences psychosocial, cultural stuff, and odds and ends about books, movies, sex, trends, and life's transitions.
Adios y Buenas Dias Amigas Intelligente (Just Wanted to Get Your Atttention!)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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