
Friday, December 2, 2011

The Pain and Pressure of Negative Self-Talk

Here's the beginning of a heart-felt article and link to the rest at http://thinksimplenow.com  Reading this along (with permission) in contrast to the usual research-based stuff. This is real life, from the heart.

How to Stop Negative Self-Talk

Photo by aeschleah
By Tina Su
Do you know what makes life difficult?
The answer is simple: it’s us. :)
It is us, and that large and complex brain of ours that seem to seek out drama, repeat negative self-talk, create false illusions of fear, and generally makes our life difficult in almost all situations. Seriously.
Every single struggle we experience on a daily basis; every complaint, every dissatisfaction, every problem can be drilled down into a single source of root cause: our brain and the stories it tell us.
Because our brain’s job is to keep us safe, it is constantly acting from a place of fear. Its job is to ensure our survival. As such, its job is not to ensure that we have a blissful experience while we are alive.
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